Random Shots
I had the honor of attending a night of storytelling called “the Telling Project” an evening of storytelling by Vermont veterans...
November 14, 2018
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In 1992 and 1993 informal get togethers were held at various sites in Vermont for people interested in the craft of woodturning. These...
October 18, 2018
The Bionic Face Shield from Woodcraft is a lightweight mask, very adjustable, with a wide visual range, both sideways and...
October 13, 2018
My woodturning gives me bipolar feelings at times. Sometimes, I’m very happy with what I’m doing. Sometimes I’m glum and upset. I...
September 6, 2018
We had another good Sawdust Session on Wednesday, August 1st. Karen Drennen came a little early to continue working on her walnut...
August 9, 2018
Russ gave me a chunk of Rosewood—specific species unknown. I have worked on it and I’m in the final stages of sanding and shaping....
I know there are a number of different ways to sharpen turning tools. If you are happy with the method you use and get repeatable forms...
July 12, 2018
Thank you to all the Woodchucks who have shared their skills at our monthly demos. The art/craft of woodturning has many, many...
May 12, 2018
I just read that Vermont Life is quitting. The magazine has been bleeding millions for years. Advertising is down going to the web, I...
I started my woodworking career doing picture framing. The next step was building furniture—shelving, then kit reproduction furniture....
November 10, 2017