You will learn the history of the design and manufacture of the Ultimate Ice Cream Bowl. You will learn the step by step process of turning and finishing your own UICB and you will also leave with a dry turned UICB blank ready for finishing. And always remember: You scream, I scream, we all scream […]
This introductory workshop is for those with no turning experience, who would like to give it a try to see if it is something they would like to pursue. Our goal is to demystify the lathe and turning process. Our focus will be on learning techniques, and not on producing a finished piece. Workshop content […]
Sharp tools make the job of a woodturner much easier. Knowing how to sharpen cutting tools is a skill in itself. Even brand new tools need sharpening sometimes and we all know that dull cutting tools makes woodturning quite frustrating. Come join us for session on sharpening; bring your own tools if you'd like and […]
Location: Virtual Wednesday, January 8 · 6:00 – 8:00pm Video call link: Board Members: Gary Walz Adam Wager Ross Mitchel Tom Dunne Bob Martin Elsa Oppenheimer Brad Jackson Jay Bailey Sara Campbell Call to Order and Welcome (Elsa) Approval of Minutes Announcements Committee Updates (For the first meeting updates here will be brief […]
Unlike “once turned” which is turning a green piece through to completion all at once, “twice turned” is the process of initially rough turning a piece, and leaving it thick to dry and warp for several month before returning it to the lathe for a second turning to true it up and finish it. Both […]