Last meeting at CVU until the fall.
The meeting will start with show and tell: if you wish, please bring an item to share with the group. It can be a success or failure, advice needed or advice to give. We are trying to structure show and tell more like a sawdust session where we stand around, share, and chit-chat, versus standing up and presenting to the whole group. Hopefully, that will expedite show and tell, as well as encourage some of our newer turners to share their projects.
Next, we will have our popular raffle. If you want to participate, please bring $2 to enter. If you have anything to raffle, as always, we welcome it! That could be a bowl blank, or a log, or anything a fellow turner might be interested in. We will also share some club updates at this time.
We will be treated to a presentation by Andy Duling on off-center handle turning. Please see the attachment linked here for information. Andy has asked if a few people could bring a roughing gouge to allow people to have hands-on practice.