We had another good Sawdust Session on Wednesday, August 1st. Karen Drennen came a little early to continue working on her walnut platter. Back at the June meeting for our discussion about how best to utilize a raw block of wood, she had brought in a big walnut crotch, which we cut in half. Then at the July Sawdust Session we roughed and cored the two halves. Because the size exceeded her lathe capacity, she has been finishing the piece here. She will have it for ‘Show & Tell’ at the August meeting on the 15th.
We have spent a considerable amount of time at all our Sawdust Sessions this year on negative rake scrapers. It seems, for many turners, to be a good way to do the final clean up on the inside of a bowl, particularly the area where the slope of the sidewall transitions to the bottom where staying on the bevel of a traditional gouge
becomes problematic. We will continue to work on this, along with how to sharpen them, as long as there is interest? Our next Sawdust Session will be Wednesday, Sep-tember 5th, but for anyone who can’t make it to these informal meetings, but wants to review some of the things we have covered, please give me a call(802-343-0393). I’m sure we can find a time to get together.
At the next meeting on Wednesday, August 15, we will talk about shop-made jigs and fixtures. This will be a “round table” format where all are invited to participate, so bring in any home-made “thing-a-majig” you have created to help your turning projects!
Hopefully many of you have Sunday, Sept 9, marked on your calendars for our annual Woodchuck Picnic! As always, this will be ‘potluck’ style, with the club providing the drinks and grill items. World renown turner and honorary lifetime Woodchuck, Al Stirt, will again join us for a demo and show & tell where he always entertains with his expert and good natured critiquing, so plan to bring in a recent creation! This is always a fun part of the day!
Cheers! Hope to see all of you soon!
Last modified: August 9, 2018