Fellow wood turners take note – this year will be the 8th annual Trunk Show at the Grand Isle Art Works gallery in Grand Isle. This gallery is run by our very own woodchuck Jim Holzschuh!
A trunk show is an event in which vendors present merchandise (sometimes new work) directly to customers at a retail location or another venue. In recent years we have had approximately 35 to 40 artists set up on the grounds of the gallery for the weekend. Like previous years, there will be a large tent where we will have space for up to 8 woodworkers to demonstrate their craft and sell their artwork. Additional woodworkers are always invited to set up under their own individual 10×10 pop-up tents and join the festivities. If you have not been to the gallery you will find that we have plenty of parking space for visitors and outside vendors alike, approximately 75 Vermont
artists’ work in the gallery and a small on -site cafe. As Ellen and I raise fiber animals we also have some of our Angora goats at the gallery during the summer which has proven to be a draw for potential customers.
This year the Trunk Show will be on the last weekend in July, 28 and 29. There is a $25.00 fee to reserve a space which will be returned to the artist at the end of the weekend. During the weekend you keep track of your sales and pay 20% to the gallery at the end. You can sign up online at http://grandisleartworks.com/trunk-show-and-sale/trunk-show-call-toartists/ or you can also print out an application from a link at the bottom of that page.
Consider coming to the Islands for the weekend
Last modified: June 3, 2018